
In 2019, Chief Richburg set a department goal of making the Pampa Police Department a training hub for Peace Officers not only in Pampa and around the eastern Texas Panhandle, but also for across the State of Texas and beyond.  After appointing then Sgt. Brian Massey as Training Coordinator and tasking him with creating a training and education unit, the process began.  In June of 2020, after the lengthy application and approval process, the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement  (TCOLE) and the Pampa Police Department entered into a training contact, making the Pampa Police Department a TCOLE Contract Training Provider.

The unit operates under the guidance of an Advisory Board, which consists of both civilian members of the community and law enforcement personnel.  The unit's goal is offer quality training and education courses to Officers and Telecommunicators.  

Click here for the current training calendar.  NOTE: Registration is open only to law enforcement personnel unless otherwise indicated.  Community events and trainings are not included in this calendar.  

Training Facility Address:
Kenneth Hopson Police Training Facility
12191 Landfill Rd.
Pampa, TX 79065